Gum Disease Treatment in Fort Worth, TX

Protect Your Smile’s Foundation

The gums are an often overlooked aspect of oral health and, as a result, issues like periodontal (gum) disease may go unnoticed. This serious condition progresses in stages— each more serious than the last. If treated in its early stages, the effects of gum disease can be easily treated and even reversed. At Lake Country Dental, Dr. Snider can detect and treat gum disease at any stage, though seeking treatment as soon as possible can help avoid the irreversible effects of the disease. Read on to learn more about this condition and how early treatment can help.

What Is Gum Disease?

Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease occurs when the soft tissues of your gums become infected by bacteria. If left untreated, this condition can lead to serious oral health complications like tooth loss, heart disease, and even strokes. Seeking treatment during its early stages is crucial in preserving your healthy gums.

How Gum Disease Begins

Typically, gum disease is the result of poor oral hygiene. When food particles are left in your mouth for too long, it can lead to the gathering of unhealthy bacteria. This can throw your healthy microbiome of healthy bacteria out of balance. This unhealthy bacteria can collect on the surface of your teeth and gums, which may form into a film-like substance called plaque. This material contains acidic particles that can break down soft gum tissue as well as teeth, though it can be easily removed by brushing and flossing. If left untreated, however, plaque may harden into tartar (calculus)— a substance that can only be removed by professional dental tools. This will leave your mouth more vulnerable to unhealthy bacteria, likely leading to gum disease.

Stages of Gum Disease

Gum disease progresses in various stages, each more harmful than the last. The two primary stages of this disease are:

  1. Gingivitis: The early stage of gum disease tends to be mild, and patients likely won’t experience any painful or noticeable symptoms. Treatment in this stage can typically help reverse the infection and restore a patient’s healthy gums.
  2. Periodontitis: This advanced stage of gum disease is much more noticeable, as patients will likely experience symptoms such as bleeding and inflamed gums. The effects of this stage become irreversible as they progress.

No matter what stage your condition has progressed to, gum disease treatment may be able to relieve any painful symptoms and stop the infection in its tracks. If you suspect you have gum disease, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment at our Fort Worth office. Dr. Snider can detect early signs of this disease and provide treatment before it can progress further.

Who Is at Risk for Gum Disease?

While the leading cause of gum disease is poor oral hygiene, other risk factors may make a patient more susceptible to this condition. Some of these factors include:

  • Medications that reduce saliva production
  • Genetics
  • Diabetes and other medical conditions
  • Smoking or oral tobacco use
  • Severe stress
  • Certain health conditions that compromise immune systems (i.e. AIDS and cancer)

Signs of Gum Disease

Patients may not experience any symptoms during the early stages of gum disease. However, if the disease progresses, it can lead to several painful symptoms. It’s crucial to seek treatment at the first sign of gum disease to stop the infection in its tracks. Some common signs of gum disease include:

  • Persistent bad breath
  • Swollen gums
  • Loose or shifting teeth
  • Receding gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Tooth loss

Treating Gum Disease

At Lake Country Dental, we offer both non-surgical and surgical treatments for gum disease. Dr. Snider will determine which will be the most effective for your situation at your initial consultation.

Non-Surgical Treatment

If you seek treatment during the early stage of gum disease (gingivitis), Dr. Snider can utilize non-surgical treatment methods to reverse the effects of infection and restore the health of your gums.

  • Scaling: This minimally invasive procedure involves removing plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth above the gumline.
  • Root Planing: Typically performed in conjunction with scaling, root planing removes plaque and tartar from underneath the gums. This procedure also involves smoothing down the tooth’s surface to make them more resistant to these substances.

Surgical Treatment

If your condition has progressed into periodontitis, Dr. Snider may recommend surgical treatment. These treatments can help preserve your oral health, but likely won’t completely reverse the effects of infection. At your consultation, Dr. Snider will discuss your treatment options and help you make the best decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I prevent gum disease?

Along with practicing good oral hygiene and visiting our Fort Worth office bi-annually for routine cleanings, there are other ways you can prevent gum disease:

  • Avoid tobacco products
  • Use a fluoride toothpaste
  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Treat teeth grinding
  • Rinse between meals with a mouthwash
  • Monitor your gum health

At what age should a child start brushing their teeth?

Children can start brushing their teeth as soon as their first tooth erupts. Parents should use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste to clean their child’s teeth twice daily. It’s best to supervise brushing until the child can brush effectively on their own, usually around the age of six.

Can gum disease be cured?

Once gum disease progresses into periodontitis, its effects may be irreversible. You may need to make frequent visits to our Fort Worth office to prevent this disease from further progressing. However, if the disease is caught in its early stages, Dr. Snider can work to fully reverse the effects of infection. This is why it’s so important to seek early treatment for gum disease.

What are the dangers of untreated gum disease?

Neglecting to seek treatment for gum disease can lead to several painful symptoms and oral health problems. In the later stages of gum disease, the bacteria may be able to reach your bloodstream, putting your overall wellbeing at risk for heart disease, arthritis, and even cancer. Our goal is to protect the health of our patients. If you’re experiencing signs of gum disease, schedule an appointment at our Fort Worth office immediately.

Schedule an Appointment With Dr. Snider

Gum disease is a common yet serious oral health condition that can be easily treated if caught early. If you suspect you have gum disease, we can help stop the infection and restore the health of your gums. To schedule an appointment, call our Fort Worth office at (817) 236-8771. You can also fill out our contact form and a team member will be with you shortly. We look forward to helping restore your healthy gums!