Root Canal Therapy in Fort Worth, TX


Gently & Effective Root Canal Therapy

When a tooth suffers a bacterial infection, root canal therapy is performed to save the natural tooth and prevent reinfection in the future. Our dentists at Lake Country Dental provide root canal therapy in Fort Worth, Texas for patients who’s teeth become damaged or infected. Modern root canal treatments are safe and routine procedures that can help you avoid the need for more extensive treatment.

What is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy is a procedure used to address an infection that reaches the core of a tooth. To understand this procedure, it’s helpful to review the composition of a tooth.

Your teeth are each made up of three layers:

  • The enamel is the very hard, white layer that’s visible on the outside of each tooth
  • The dentin is the layer of calcified tissue beneath the enamel, less hard and less brittle
  • The pulp is a soft layer of tissue that contains the nerves and blood vessels of a tooth, extending down through the root canal to the jawbone

When a tooth is cracked or develops a deep cavity, bacteria can bypass the enamel and dentin and begin building up in the pulp. With root canal therapy, your dentist at Lake Country Dental can access and remove the infected pulp to and save your tooth.

Signs You May Need Root Canal Therapy

If one or more of your teeth become infected, you’ll likely experience some discomfort. Root canal therapy may be necessary if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Toothaches and pain that extends to the face, neck, or ears
  • Discomfort when biting and chewing
  • Pain from a chipped or cracked tooth
  • Swelling of the face or gums
  • Darkened color of the tooth or surrounding gum tissue
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures

Don’t try to ignore these symptoms or wait for them to disappear on their own. An infected tooth will not heal without professional care and may lead to more serious health complications if left untreated.

The Root Canal Procedure

If an infection is found in one of your teeth, root canal therapy will likely be recommended to remove the diseased pulp and protect you from complications. Usually, this treatment can be completed a single visit. Rest assured that your treatment will be painless, we’ll numb the area completely before beginning the procedure. For patients that experience stress or anxiety about receiving dental care, we can offer dental sedation solutions to help you stay relaxed and comfortable

During the procedure, your dentist will create a small access point in the crown of your tooth. Through this opening, they will remove the infected pulp and thoroughly clean the interior of the tooth. From there, we’ll use a dental composite to fill and seal the tooth, providing strength and stability. Finally, your dentist will close the opening with a customized dental crown, ensuring a strong and attractive finish that will blend seamlessly into your smile.

Don’t Wait to Address an Infected Tooth

Root canal therapy can save your tooth and put an end to any discomfort and painful symptoms you may be experiencing. To schedule an appointment with one of our skilled dentists, or to learn more about root canal treatment, please contact our office at (817) 236-8771.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does root canal therapy hurt?

Many patients try to avoid root canal treatment under the impression that it’s painful. This isn’t really the case, as Dr. Snider will numb your teeth and gums with local anesthetic before the procedure. In fact, avoiding treatment for your infection will result in far greater pain, so don’t hesitate to come in for an appointment.

Should my tooth hurt a week after the procedure?

You may experience some mild discomfort after root canal treatment, but this should fade quickly. If you’re still experiencing pain more than a week after treatment, give us a call so we can determine the cause and provide a solution.

Can root canal therapy cause headaches?

You shouldn’t feel anything more than mild discomfort after a root canal procedure. Any type of severe pain is not a normal response to root canal therapy. If you’re suffering from headaches or any other debilitating pain, let Dr. Snider know right away.